Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bloodied Up

Today was a great day!

Friday, March 23, 2007


Finally, some good news. Tuesday was the doctor's visit to go over my test results. at first my doc said that my TSH was 10.1. I couldn't believe that it would be exactly the same as it was 8 weeks ago so when he said my previous test was a 7-something, I made him check the dates. Sure enough, he didn't have the newest results on top. After all the suspense, my TSH is now a measly 0.1!! My thyroid is definitely reacting to the levothyroxine. Unfortunately, it's nothing I have noticed. My dosage got adjusted to 75 units a day since I am currently in the hyper-thyroidism range, and the best part is I get to take purple pills instead of the ghastly yellow ones. (I don't know what it is about the color yellow but I definitely hate it.) The doc says that this dosage may be the one I need, or else 50 or 88 units to get me into the therapeutic range, which reminds me: I forgot to ask what range he'd like my thyroid to be in. I hope this is the one so I can start feeling less exhausted and cold (spring coming rapidly should help the latter) and most importantly, I can ovulate.

We discussed my apparent lack of ovulation, the temperature charting, the weaning, and how I probably will not get a period this month. He said that he feels that my anovulation is thyroid-related. You think? I certainly hope so since it seems to be an easy fix. He also said that going back on the pill would probably just confuse my hormones, and since being on it makes me a little crazy, that's alright with me. It looks as though April will not be the month I get pregnant. The game is on until July before I get super depressed again. I'm just very excited that there is some hope glimmering!

The Manling has added "work," "help," and perhaps "pasta" and "dancing" to his signing repertoire. And one of his top fangs has broken through his gums with the other soon to follow. It's amazing to see how fast he is growing and learning. Wanting another child is making me really appreciate every moment of his development just on the off-chance it never happens again. He's so rad!

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Few Minutes On Friday

The Manling has been transfixed by the diggers tearing up the street in front of our house this month. The water mains are being replaced, and the spot that sprung a leak was directly in front of his window. Heaven for this little boy. I got him Big Machines 2 from the library and we watched the segment on recycling and garbage removal; hopefully that will keep him occupied through the weekend until the guys get back to work. His other recent obsession, and I do mean obsession, are the liner notes and instruction guides in CDs and games. He has added "book" to his repertoire of signs from these, but he does also sign that for real books. Other signs he's learned in the last few days are hot, gorilla, balloon, and perhaps monkey. I think he's in his sign "explosion" that the signing class lady has been talking about.

I am on day 27 or so of this cycle, and have been extremely emotional and irritable for the past few days. I can't wait to start bleeding so i can start my next cycle. I desparately want to get pregnant in April and this cycle and the next are obviously my shot at that. I go for my bloodwork results on Tuesday.

I've spent a few hours this week with moms with babies or pregnant moms. It hurts my heart to see some of these people getting pregnant and delivering babies pretty much the whole time I've been getting geared up for #2. And the blogosphere is chock full of pregnancies these days.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit

I'm still tired. I am on my 6th week or so of the thyroid meds. I'm not dying of thirst anymore though, though I seem to still be peeing more. Aah, the life I lead: so exciting.

My friend Joe from Baltimore visited twice in the last 6 weeks or so. His wife Christine came along this last time which was great because I hadn't seen her since last January. I really enjoy spending time with them and hope they move out here soon. Plus I hope they have kids soon so I can spoil them and teach them bad habits (cough cough). I think it may be one or the other though.

Speaking of having kids soon; this month I haven't been on the pill, I started charting my temperature, I use the saliva microscope, and I'm pretty sure I've not ovulated on this, day 19 of my cycle. The temping is pretty hard to get a handle on. I wasn't aware that you need to take your temp at pretty much the same time every day or it can vary tremendously, until my friend Sarah let me in on that secret. It's also hard to get an accurate reading when your toddler is teething and wakes up in the middle of the night. the ovulation spit-scope, as I call it, is much easier... idiot-proof one might say. I just wish I would see the tell-tale ferning pattern but it's a small little slide to look at. I get so depressed when I see no ferns. I haven't been paying attention to cervical mucous, which will be added to my repertoire next month. Libido is still negligible.

The Manling never ceases to amaze me. He is now 17 months of pure joy. He's got a great sense of humour. I don't think I did a 16mo recap. The signing class has been great to learn not only signs but ways to incorporate them into our lives, and more importantly, how to recognize his versions of them. He signs: cat, light, fan, milk, more, all done, cracker, cookie, cheese, drink/cup, giraffe, ball, shoes, cold, and perhaps a few others. He puts together 2 word sentences involving more + whatever it is he wants, which he did last month at 16 months. The sign class instructor says that non-signing kids don't usually say sentences of 2 or more words until about 20-24 months. I really like using signs to figure out what it is he wants before he breaks down into frustration because I don't understand.

Verbally, he has added woof woof, grr (bear sound), roar(dinosaur sound), meow (or his version of it), digger (the water department is replacing pipes in front of our house - sheer heaven for this little boy), and perhaps a few others as well. I wasn't planning to blog tonight but Mark is at the Sick of It All//Dropkick Murphys concert tonight unexpectedly.

He still loves to throw balls, and has started to kick one occasionally. He likes to look at animals at the zoo, and loves loves loves to look through books. I hope he continues to be amused by reading. He will walk along beside the stroller but doesn't like to hold mommy or daddy's hands. Mark had been adamant about not using a leash but he is starting to agree with me that a backpack type leash may be a good thing.

We haven't gotten his haircut yet. It is very short in the front but in the back it is getting long, much like a mullet. I think it is cute, and I don't want to cut his hair until he is much older. He'll be bald soon enough.

Mark specifically said he wants another child and soon recently. I was so surprised that he told me that out of the blue one day; I thought it was mostly me that was ready for another child. It defies any attempt to put into words how much I love the Manling and to describe how happy he has made me. I only hope we can provide him with a sibling soon. 2007 looks to be a wash.