Thursday, March 23, 2006

Midterm Review

The Manling reached the 24 week milestone this week. I can't believe he's 6 months old, in Mommy-speak, or will be in 2 weeks- the rest-of-the-world-speak. What an unbelievable journey!

At this point, he's rolled over, back to front about 7 or 8 times, usually only to his right side. Maybe like Zoolander, he is destined to become a male model who just can't turn left. People everywhere say he is awfully cute. I tend to agree, but don't want to sound biased. He does have the biggest, brightest blue eyes (thank you, Mark), a nicely-shaped round head (thank you birth canal and lower birth weight), and a mellow disposition (once again, thanks, Mark). He also, according to our doctor, has an unusually broad repertoire of facial expressions for a baby his age; at least that's what he said at his 4 month visit.

He has developed a wide, gummy smile, that he uses on everyone, but no teeth yet, although he does produce copious amounts of drool. He eats rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, bananas, applesauce, and as of today, sweet potatoes, all of which he eats voraciously, again much like his dad. He sits very regally in his Bumbo baby seat from which vantage point he can keep an eye out on his best friends, the cats and the dog. His favorite activities, besides watching his furry siblings, are banging one of his rattles along the Bumbo, breastfeeding, sucking on first 2 fingers of left hand, playing what I call the hand bongos, where he slaps his hands onto each other over and over and over, and screeching at the top of his lungs.

He is currently wearing medium-sized FuzziBunz diapers and 3-6 month clothes. The latter will be changing to 6-12 month size as soon as I can bear to pack up yet another set of tiny baby clothes. He used Pampers Cruisers in size 3 while we were in Vegas - we were amazed how well his clothes fit since they are not as bulky as the cloth diapers but really hatedthe way they felt as well as the chemical super absorbent polymer gel so close to his skin every minute. We have been using BabiesRUs's propreitary brand of wipes, Especially for Baby. These we've found preferable to other brands because they are made of real fabric, and are unscented. Of course, these are as much of a traditional fabric as that they print currency on, but better than the others. A few snuck into the loads of cloth diapers a few weeks back, and unlike the other types that disintegrate, these come out of the washer and dryer looking brand new. Thanks to the wonders of Google, I found several Wipe Juice recipes and have started reusing them. They also are great for cleaning up after feedings. Some, of course, just get too foul to consider washing. The wipe recipe I've been using is as follows:
  • 1 plastic wipe tub
  • about 50-60 wipes, laundered and sterilized by a hot wash cycle
  • 1/8 C light olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp baby wash
  • 2 C distilled water
  • 10-20 drops tea tree oil
  • 2 Tbsp Calendula lotion (I found this at Whole Foods)
Mix all liquids in a small bowl and place prefolded wipes into wipe tub. Pour mix over wipes.

The Manling is doing wonderful in all aspects except for sleeping. We have his crib in our room because his room gets a little colder than the rest of the house. He generally starts out sleeping in his crib, but when he inevitably wakes, I bring him into our bed to eat, and both of us fall asleep during of afterwards. His "schedule" is as follows:
  • Wakes around 9 or 10 am and plays with his hands and coos until Mommy cracks an eye open.
  • Breastfeeds.
  • Mommy checks email, blogs, etc while Manling plays on activity mat
  • BF a small snack
  • Between 11am to 1 pm: naps up to 2 hours but can be as short as 15 minutes; falls asleep wherever he is; sometimes will nap in crib
  • BF and sometimes will eat a small meal
  • Fart around the house or go on errands
  • BF
  • Sometimes will take an evening nap of 30 - 60 min.
  • Dinner: cereal plus a fruit or vegetable, BF to top off
  • Play with Daddy whe he gets home
  • About 10:30 pm gets sleepy, usually BF and drifts off. Will occasionally drift off by himself.
  • Wakes at least once, usually twice; will BF back to sleep.
Is this enough of a schedule? Is he getting enough sleep? I am torn between attachment parenting/co-sleeping and cry-it-out sleeping with baby-led scheduling. I just wish he would sleep longer.


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