Thursday, February 23, 2006

Myspace Junkie, Internet Stalking, and Las Vegas

Ah yes, I must confess, I do it too. I recently found out that Myspace is owned by the Rupert Murdoch/FOX evil empire, and I still can't stop. Where indeed are my principles??

After thinking, which I have ample time to do since I don't work outside the home, about my current state of friends, I started remembering friends I've had in the past. And mostly how I'm a bad friend in terms of staying in touch, and how I've lost touch with many of my friends. I decided to do somthing about it.

First I utilized the services of the kind folks over at to look up as much information for free that I could find for one of my accomplices back in high school, D. I knew he last lived in a particular city, and when they came to my wedding, I found out he was dating this woman, N., who we had also hung out with back in the twentieth century. Lo and behold, I found her name now had his attached to it!!! So I assumed they got married, and I sent off a brief letter to the last known address. About 3 weeks went by and I figuerd they had moved, and/or thought I was insane. When all of a sudden, I got a phone call from D., who said yes they had got married, had a 15mo. old son, and moved to Las Vegas!!!!! I've been messaging them via Myspace, and will probably hook up with them next month.

You see, every year for the last 10 yrs, my mom, the NASCAR fanatic (we call her Nascar Nance), and my stepfather (his handle is Vidalias- which is another post entirely) go to Las Vegas for the race. The last 3 years we've joined them but thought we couldn't go this year due to conflicts with Mark's vacation. I decided I was going to go anyway with the Manling so he could visit the grandparent units (GPUs), and I could visit D&N. Mark tells me after I tell him of my plot that his vacation runs concurrently with the GPUs' so we could all go. The deal-maker/-breaker will be what will we do with our dog for those few days. I'm really excited though. What a series of surprises. But wait, there's more!

When I originally set up my Myspace, I hadn't attached any schools, figuring I hated everyone I went to high school with, I completely lost touch with my 1st college friends, everyone I know from my 2nd college detests Myspace except for the few "friends" I already had, and my 3rd college was a waste of accredation by any educational review board. But after my thoughts reached back to high school, I realized there were a few people I missed. So I added the school and browsed the alumni. Lo and behold again, 2 (M. and J.) of the probably 5 people I honestly liked showed up. Messages with them, blah blah blah, and 1 of them just happens to be coming to Colorado next month and is going to look me up!!!

Motherfudger. I just looked up the dates J. will be in CO and of course it's during the same period as the potential Vegas trip. I will have to do some serious finagling to get this all to work. Must go spend some time diabolicizing now. Hmm.... What to do, what to do...


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