Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Cherry Tree Carol

The Manling turned 1 year, 2 months old a few days ago. Each and every day brings more comprehension and a greater ability to move about. He still only says the word cat, and shrieks for dog, although sometimes he will do the ASL for come/dog. He's pointing at many things however, and has added plants and snow to his obession with lights and switches. Just yesterday, we put up our Holiday Tree, and he stood transfixed by the lights and tinsel. We looked over at a tapping sound to see him banging 2 glass ornaments together. I have found that if I correct his actions the first time he does something I'd prefer him not to, that he will generally not repeat it, and if he does, he will cease and desist upon a reminder. I wish I would have nipped in the bud him pulling down all the dvds on the bookshelf and him crawling into the dog's cage. Walking has improved seven-fold since one week ago exactly, and I expect him to be running and boycotting the stroller y the end of the month.

On my front, I have been taking the pill for 5 days now. It seems like it will be an eternity before these 3 months are up, and I can't even fathom 6 months. It brings to mind the first trimester of pregnancy and how molasses-slow time seemed to go. I read that women with a low Body Mass Index (below 20) often have a hard time conceiving. Mine is 19 or lower, which it was before I was pregnant. Also that low body fat (below 22%) can preclude ovulation or maintaining pregnancy. I would guess mine is around that judging from older info I've gotten from one of those scales that also tells you your body fat, but an estimation I performed said I was about 20 or 21. I am willing to gain some weight, if I can get and stay pregnant. Bring on the Ben and Jerry's! I have been trying to eat more, but I find it difficult to eat when I am depressed. Perhaps the hormones in the pill will pack on some pounds.

So far the only humorous thing about this is that it has helped me decide what I'd like for the Holidays: a ovulation-spit-microscope. I Googled "ovulation saliva microscope" and it returned over 40,00 results! I can only imagine Mark trying to find one. I think I may help him out and lok on eBay.


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