Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Common People

This past week I have grabbed the bull by the horns and tried to come out of my comfort zone and meet people. First, on Friday, I went to a Highlands Mommies playgroup hosted by a lady who I had actually met a few months ago at a free baby-gym thing. I haven't done any HM playgroups before, and I was a little leery, but I gave it a shot. The hostess is really nice and just moved here in 2005 from Florida, and her daughter is 16 months old.

I felt kind of like an ass because I sent her an email after reading her story in Parents/Parenting, I forget which.... In it, I asked her if the subgrup she and I both belong to were meeting at the park still since I felt awkward attending a playgroup at someone's house I'd never met. Plus I wanted to let her know I read her story in the magazine and empathized with the situation. Anyway, she emailed me back and was really nice and said she was a newer member of the subgroup so I shouldn't feel too weird. then later that week or so posted that she was having this playgroup. I figured now or never and did it.

In this past year, her house got demolished by a hurricane, her daughter was born, the family lost their health insurance and got royally screwed by the insurance industry, they moved to Denver, and remodeled their house. Holy cow! The house is amazing, even though it's right on the busiest arterial in NW Denver. It was within walking distance though so the Manling and I took BOB out for a stroll.

There were 5 kids, 2 girls and 3 boys, at the playgroup all told, and 4 moms, including myself and the hostess. The other kids were all 13-14 months, and I think the Manling was one if not the only beginning walker. I know 2 others were walking well and I can't remember. the other kids. The other moms were nice, too, but they seemed much older and I didn't feel I was making any repeat friendships. One mom who seemed promising left early and the 2 moms that were left were a little intimidating for me. Career women. And one was pregnant again. They didn't seem fun though. Hopefully my hostess connection thought I passed muster!.

I think that's probably my biggest hurdle as a mom: making mom friends who I'd like to hang out with. My friend Sarah, who of course lives on the east coast and not here has a 3yr old and she said she never really gets to pick her friends anymore based on her interests: she only gets to meet moms who have kids the same age as her son. Very depressing. But I think she lives in a small town versus the thriving metropolis of Denver.

On Monday after the worst night of the Manling NOT sleeping ever, I went to another sort of playdate at the Cherry Creek mall germpit, I mean breakfast food play area. That one was the 2nd ever SAHM portion of the Denver stitchandbitch yahoo group. I was an hour late, and the Manling had never been to the germ pit before plus he's still not a pro at walking so I spent all of my time with him. I only saw one other lady who had yarn/knitting, and I coudn't overcome my shyness and talk to her. I just lurk over there at that group, but mostly because I always have the Manling and Mark is working during their weekly stitch and bitch sessions.

It's a start.


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