Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Down the Shore and Other Rabbit Holes

More about vacation...

We got to see almost all of "The List" a.k.a. my college friends for a few hours at Grill's house. It was definitely weird to be around them all drunk while I was sober. Sober and breastfeeding. Everyone except for JP seemed to take to the Manling, although as we left, he grudgingly conceded that I had an ok baby or something very apropos for the Jipper. It was great to see Jackie K before she moves out to Cali to go to acting grad school. I can't wait to say "I knew her when...." Plus Barrett drove up from Baltimore, but Reds stayed at home. I think she's still having trouble with her nervous breakdown, whatever it is. I still can't get over how such a pillar of strength has crumbled. It defies my comprehension. I just hope she's ok. Georgia made some delicious food; I think Mark is in love with her. I asked Grill why he hadn't fed me like that when we were roommates; he said he wasn't ready for her then. We're all convinced they are secretly married, the shady bastards. Snatch and the Prof hung out with Mark and the Manling and I in the kitchen and the Manling kicked and knocked over the Prof's beer several times before she figured out to move it. She later called me from the same room and left a messgae, "When you're done nursing, call me, we'll hang out" which was fairly comical to hear later because you can hear me saying "jackass, you're supposed to call me when I'm not here."

We drove down to Ocean City that night, or should I say, I drove. I insisted on driving over the Ben Franklin bridge after taking an impromptu tour of Girard and Spring Garden away from the gentrified area of Northern Liberties, and finally making it to Delaware Ave as all the bars were letting out. There's nothing like the AC Expressway in the middle of the night to make you love driving, especially when blaring The Loon by Tapes N Tapes. I miss driving with the windows down, music way up, the humidity making the cool night feel sensually warm, and singing at the tops of my lungs. I'm sure the Manling was thrilled.

Vacation went on and on and I can really imagine writing any more about it. I'm lazy, I know. Some highlights:
  • The Manling's first visit to the Ocean. He loves the water and sat right in the tidal area, nearly getting swept away once or twice.
  • Mark bought the Manling a pair of Leopard creepers for when he really starts walking.
  • We took him to the Kutztown Fair where he came head to head with some cows, ate his first funnelcake and cotton candy, and went to his first demolition derby.
  • He saw his great uncle's chicken hatchery and got to sit on the tractor.
  • He met his aunt, uncle, great uncle, and great aunt for the first time.
  • The Manling acted like a seasoned pro on both flights.


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