Saturday, November 25, 2006

Google University Vs Not Over-reacting

I got my blood work results back today and I've been in a snit ever since. My TSH level is 7.16 H, falling in the "Out of Range" category, with the reference range being 0.40 - 5.5 MU/L. At the bottom of my test result page, my doctor wrote "thyroid looks low," which really freaked me out because I can clearly see that 7.16 is higher than 5.5. So I hopped on the internet and finally found a blurb on an infertility message board that high TSH = low thyroid = high prolactin = no ovulation = no conception. I became immediately depresed and started crying. Mark said I was over-reacting and if something was wrong that my doctor would've called me. I can't quite find numbers that say over such-and-such a range you won't ovulate, but I'm still a little concerned about being potentially hypothyroidal (is that even a word?). Then again, I saw someone say their TSH number was like 96. I need to do a lot more research before the office opens on Monday. I went to the library and checked out The Thyroid Sourcebook for Women, and I will be poring over that as well as Google University. Mark is really non-plussed and I'm pretty upset with him for not being more sympathetic. I know I have such a Cassandra attitude, but I like to be prepared for the worst so the good stuff is a pleasant surprise.


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