Thursday, April 20, 2006


So I am sick: some sort of either allergies or sinus infection. And even w/ the lotioned up tissues, it still feels like I'm blowing my nose w/ a burlap sack 50x an hour. And because I am breastfeeding, I'm supposed to contact a health professional before I take anything. Like I can be bothered with that and thus I am just suffering and whining.

Other new things: the Manling can sit up by himself better; he had about 10 days of being a complete PITA by not sleeping at night; ordered the zebra Britax which should arrive tomorrow; had high gusts of winds on Monday which blew huge tree branch onto a line which up to 5 min ago was laying down into my backyard: 1st we called the electric co- they came out and said it was a phone line but at least it was dead so we could move the tree; then we called the phone co who came out and said it was the cable co; so called them- thank god we have satellite so I wasn't out of tv service til now, and finally they removed it. And these blinds that we had to have special ordered for the Manling's room so he can finally move into his room and I can get my bed back are acting up so I may have to send them to get repaired when all I want is a new one made so I don't have light pouring in ruining all naps and I used to work in the special order blinds area at a certain big box retailer so I know it can happen but the company (not my hookups at at said retailer) say I just need to fiddle with it, not to mention the whole pull thing came completely off soI'm livid. And my windshield got a big rock-dinger in it so I had to get that fixed today. And my college is being a bunch of cakesniffers about this internship that I took almost 2 summers ago but haven't gotten a grade yet for so I don't know if I'll really graduate in spring. Did I mention I'm sick and feel like I'm dying?

Luanne is now 8 weeks pregnant, and went to her first doctor visit on Tuesday. She's been completely nauseous since Saturday night, and hadn't been able to keep anything whatsoever down since then, so she's vy dehydrated. Finally, yesterday, she got a prescription for anti-nausea medication. The kicker is that it's in the form of anal suppositories. I really can't stop laughing. I thought for sure that since she hadn't had morning sickness by now that she wasn't going to get it, especially since I did, and she's so young. I feel bad for her, but at the same time I kind of feel like she needs to suck it up a little. My friend L. had hyperemesis throughout her pregnancy, but she only got the anti-nausea drugs in the last trimester. I just read that the younger you are, the worse you get morning sickness. That's entirely opposite of what I thought. I did go buy some things for her from my favorite local used children's stores that is unfortunately going out of business. I hope she likes the stuff.


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