Thursday, April 26, 2007

Feel the Bite//I'll Take New York

Two Saturdays ago, the Manling and Pepper got into a fight. The Manling chased or followed Pepper under the dining room table, which is at bar height, and tormented the dog, whether by pulling her tail or tugging or fur or perhaps even just hugging her. I didn't see that part. I was alerted to the situation when I heard Pepper go into fight/bite mode. I threw one of the chairs across the room and found the Manling bleeding and Pepper skulking. Luckily, Mark was on his way home from work, so I rinsed off what blood I could, and got the Manling ready to go to the Urgent Care facility.

There, they cleaned him up better, and staunched the bleeding. Net result: 1 perfectly circular bite mark on his left temple with a particularly deep puncture, 2 bleeding areas above his left ear, and one large gash in the same area which required 2 staples. Mark got to hold the Manling down for that procedure; it seems as though that took a few years off of Mark's life staring into his bleeding, screaming toddler's face. I was in the room but stayed out of the way of the nurse and doctor. It was so heart-wrenching.

They prescribed antibiotics which we duly picked up and went home, where Pepper and the Manling both acted as if nothing had happened. Mark and I of course, scarred for life, but the principle actors just went along their way blithely, the little jerks. By Thursday, the temple bite was still very red and inflamed so off we went to our regular doctor's office. He said that it was infected so we got prescribed a 2nd antibiotic, but they took out the staples. The Manling was perfectly fine with that.

I am glad we had the Urgent Care option available (vs. an ER visit), so the Manling wouldn't associate our regular doctors and nurses with the staple incident. The Urgent care staff were great: professional and kind, but they said that there was only a 10% chance of infection, which we unluckily happened to fall in to, and that the staples would have to stay in for 10 days, rather than the 5 my doctor said. I just have a bad feeling associated with that place and I hope we never have to go back.

We have decided reluctantly to get rid of Pepper. This is the 2nd time she has bitten the Manling, albeit after being provoked by him, and we just can't risk another bite. I never thought I cared so much for her as I do. She's 3 now, out of her puppy stage, getting mellower and more well-behaved as time goes. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if something else happened between her and the Manling. We don't know of anyone who will take her though, so I'm carefully watching the 2 of them and keeping them separated as much as possible. It's very sad.

I got my period on day 27 of the cycle. That is 9 days shorter than the first time. I know I can't expect to be regular after coming off of breastfeeding and those 3 months of the pill, but I'm a bit aggravated nonetheless.

The end of May we are tentatively planning a trip back east. We'd spend a few days each with Mark's uncle and dad, and then a few with my mom before heading off sans kid to NYC to vist Mark's brother in Manhattan. I am so excited. I truly cannot wait to have some alone/fun/vacation time with Mark. I will miss the Manling terribly, and this will be the first time he is away from both of us, but I can hoping everything will go okay. there are so many things I want to go see and do in Manhattan, and I believe Mark's brother might get us tickets to see him dance in The Sleeping Beauty at the Met. If this falls through in any way I am going to be devastated.


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