Friday, February 16, 2007

Hungry Like the Wolf

Has it really been almost a month?

My Tsh turned out to be 10.7, with a free t4 of 1.02ng/dL, so my thyroid got worse and the T4 was normal. My doctor expressed a hesitancy to treat my thyroid. (By the way, in December of 2005 when I had my TSH done it was normal at 2.11) I let him know that getting pregnant was a high priority for me, and that since he told me it could take 3-4 months until I started feeling better if we started treatment, that I wanted to start treatment now. So he begrudgingly (at least that's how I perceived it - he wanted to wait another 2 months and retest me again) prescribed me generic thyroid medicine of 100 units daily. From what I've read, that's pretty high for a starting dose, but I go back 8 weeks after starting treatment to redo the bloodtests and I assume I will be adjusted then if needed.

He also told me in no uncertain terms that I need to quit breastfeeding. The Manling seems to be kind of weaning himself lately, so that might turn out to be in the works; there's no way I'm going to force it. He's been skipping some nursing sessions entirely, and other sessions he just wants to nurse for a few minutes (less than 10, I believe) before deciding to look at books or out the window before falling asleep. In a way, I am very pleased to have my body back to myself, but in another I will really miss the total bonding experience.

I decided to wait to start my thyroid medication until the Monday after the first weekend Joe came to visit us. He, Davey, and I went to the Streets of London one night, taking 2 hellacious cab rides (I hate cabs) and resulting in me drinking not 1, not 2, but 3 Long Beach Ice Teas and having a resulting internal implosions and explosions from 4am until 11am. I had a great time though; it was nice to go out with friends and have a not rediculous time and just talk and bully the jukebox and not worry about the Manling, who was at home with Mark.

The thyroid medicine hasn't seemed to have any adverse effects, after 2 weeks of taking it. The thing that sucks is that you are supposed to take it in the AM, on an empty stomach, and then wait 309-60 minutes before eating. So I wake up, stumble out of bed to pee, take the pill while I'm in the bathroom, get the Manling up, and then try to remember to take the thyroid pill before I get him breakfast, or else I have to take it after his brekfast and wait for what seems like forever until I can finally eat. The only things I've noticed is that I seem to be thirstier, hungrier, I pee more often, and I've been feeling exceptionally cold lately.

I've had a few playdates with Dara and her son DuranDuran, and I've decided I really like them. I think they like me too. I even bit the bullet and met some other moms at a HighlandsM.ommies playgroup Moms Night out and took her with me. It was pretty cool. It was at this bar that I hated and I sat next to a mom I had met before who didn't really talk to me that time, nor this time either, and by Dara, of course, and the last person at my end of the table was Mary who was in my birthclass oddly enough. I didn't really get a chance to talk to the 2 moms I didn't know, now Layla who I've met 3 times now, but I really had a good time. Maybe I can be a little more extroverted this year?

I think that's all I can write about now, though I do have more cactching up to do.


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