Friday, April 06, 2007

Until It Sleeps

I'm not going deaf. I have fluid in my middle ear. I am supposed to do saline irrigation in my nose, and/or take Suda.fed. It may not go away for 3 or so weeks even doing these things; or more to the point, not irrigating. I just can't do that.

Another thing I just can't do is get the Manling to fall asleep on his own. The night before the doctor visit, he decided to houdini himself out of his crib. Luckily, Mark was sleeping on the floor in front of the crib, in another mid-night wake/sleep/lather/repeat session, so he wasn't hurt. We mentioned that to the doctor who said his recommendation is to move a toddler to a bed, whether it be toddler or regular, immediately, to prevent injuries or broken bones. We have been looking for a method to keep our sanity as well as the Manling safe. We bought a bedrail, and took off one long side of his crib, but the box says it's NOT for use with a crib. We've tried the mattress on the floor, but he just won't go to sleep on it. There is something security-wise for him about the crib, I think. I'm going crazy trying to get him to go to sleep and allow me to leave the room without him waking up and crying. I know this too will pass, but it's a very difficult stage.

More later about my shark-boy.


At Sat Apr 07, 01:31:00 PM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ick! Nasal irrigation sounds way less fun than popping a Sudafed. Not to mention, having to give your name and driver's license # to the pharmacist to get the "good stuff" can put a little spice into a new mom's day ;)

And on the bright side, while your hearing is still muffled, the Manling's crying will not seem so loud ;)

Thanks for the link to my blog (A Charmed Life)...mind if I add you?


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