Friday, April 13, 2007

Do the Hippogrif

The Manling's sleeping is going much better these days. We decided to just take off the long side of his crib and use it as a daybed. The fall would still be a little shocking if you were asleep, so we put an under-bed tote next to the crib. It makes it easier for us to slither out from his crib if he needs us to lie there until he falls asleep. Usually he gets drowsy as we read H.arry P.otter and the 'alf-blood P.rince aloud. It took us almost 2-1/2 t=years to get through the previous book, but we are midway through book 6, which we started a month or 2 ago. That author is really entertaining; she deserves every cent of the bazillions of dollars she is getting.

This cycle has turned out to be a loss... again. My temperatures have raised as of about 2-3 days ago, but cervical mucus didn't make an appearance. Actually, on Sunday, Mark and I actually got to go out. By ourselves! To a hockey game, and we actually saw all 3 periods without anyone getting arrested or their teeth knocked out! Mark arranged for his friend Rinaud to babysit the Manling, who apparently was very sweet and well-behaved, so maybe we can trick her, I mean ask her to babysit again.

Anyway, at the game, I thought I had abruptly peed my pants, so I ran to the bathroom. (Delivering a baby really does a number to your nethers, so you never know.) I had some perceptible mucus, but not the egg-white, stretchy spinnbarkeit type mucus so I thought nothing of it. It was gone by the time we got home. I am quite disappointed by the lack of mucus, but the temperature spike must mean I'm ovulating, right? I have about 6 more weeks before I can go bug my doctor about this during the thyroid appointment, and by then I should have another cycle under my belt, no pun intended.

This episode just pointed out that I haven't been using my "spit-o-scope" so I would have missed the ferning anyway. I can't bring myself to do the cervical-position test; I can barely remember to check my mucus before I pee. If I get more vigilant at using the spit-o-scope, charting my temps, and monitoring my cervical mucus, and I'm not pregnant by July, I would like to get a referral to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. I just don't know how long you have to wait before getting the referral since we're working on correcting the thyroid problem, and since I'd be a secondary infertility problem, I hope I don't have to wait a full 12 months. 12 months from when? July 2006 when we started trying? 12 months since I got my first bad thyroid numbers in November 2006? Or 12 months from when my thyroid TSH is back into the 1.0-2.0 range considered conducive for pregnancy... sometime in 2007?????


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