Friday, March 16, 2007

A Few Minutes On Friday

The Manling has been transfixed by the diggers tearing up the street in front of our house this month. The water mains are being replaced, and the spot that sprung a leak was directly in front of his window. Heaven for this little boy. I got him Big Machines 2 from the library and we watched the segment on recycling and garbage removal; hopefully that will keep him occupied through the weekend until the guys get back to work. His other recent obsession, and I do mean obsession, are the liner notes and instruction guides in CDs and games. He has added "book" to his repertoire of signs from these, but he does also sign that for real books. Other signs he's learned in the last few days are hot, gorilla, balloon, and perhaps monkey. I think he's in his sign "explosion" that the signing class lady has been talking about.

I am on day 27 or so of this cycle, and have been extremely emotional and irritable for the past few days. I can't wait to start bleeding so i can start my next cycle. I desparately want to get pregnant in April and this cycle and the next are obviously my shot at that. I go for my bloodwork results on Tuesday.

I've spent a few hours this week with moms with babies or pregnant moms. It hurts my heart to see some of these people getting pregnant and delivering babies pretty much the whole time I've been getting geared up for #2. And the blogosphere is chock full of pregnancies these days.


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