Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wally World

The Manling has got crawling down now. He zooms all around the house, especially after the pets. It's amazing. Those front teeth, and I do believe both are coming in, have still not appeared. We can see these huge puffy gums and on one side the little white serrations are nearly through. He has been experiencing a variety of strange physical conditions the last week. He got over that high fever mentioned previously after the second day. He has had a slight fever on and off again this past week. He has a runny nose. He has a cough. He has been waking up in the middle of the night. He has thrown up a few times after eating. I am taking him to the doctor this afternoon to get him checked out.

Last week Mark took a week of vacation. We had initially planned to go Back East to see our various families, but decided to stay home and work on our house. We got 4 pallets of flagstone steppers, flagstone wall pieces, and aggregate to build a retaining wall, flagstone stairs, and 2 walkways. Mark had thought we could do all that in 3-4 days tops. We ended up working about 8 hours a day for 8 days straight. It was really great to work so hard, amazingly enough. I think that the hard labor brought us closer together - "team building" as they'd say in retail. Mark did all of the digging and prep work and I fit together all the stones for the wall and walkways.

The only crappy part is that the stone company kind of screwed us. They seemed pretty inept:
  • Delivered large flagstone pieces versus the cheaper and smaller steppers we'd ordered. This, however, was nice because we could reduce the "seams" between stones for the stroller on the walkway.
  • Delivered only 2 of the 3 stair steps. We have the top step rigged up with a large but uneven piece of flagstone which I am convinced someone will take a header over.
  • Sold our aggregate and delivered it to someone else so we had to purchase it from another company which had a cheaper delivery but a more expensive product.


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