Monday, April 02, 2007

Telltale Signs/Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before

The Manling is in his "sign explosion" where he is learning about a million new signs a day. Seriously, he learned about 10-15 signs last week, including "mama" finally. He's also adding a few words, not "mama," of course. We go to his 18mo well-child visit tomorrow so I'll see what the doctor has to say about his development.

I've been reading up on the Billings Method of monitoring ovulation, as well as reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Hopefully I can determine exactly when (if) I ovulate this month. My calculations would put a delivery right after the solstice or near New Years. Perhaps do-able, no pun intended.

In other news on the medical front, I swear that I have lost a drastic amount of hearing in my right ear. It has been ringing for a few months, but I thought it was perhaps related to thyroid stuff of the jaw problem. (Man, I am falling apart!) I have a noticeable loss of hearing when talking on the phone and if I have my back turned to someone, it's difficult to distinguish what they are saying. I'm going to ask the doctor tomorrow who gives hearing tests and whether I should schedule it for my next blood draw or what. Too many loud shows, I guess.

I'm not a hypochondriac; all of my medical problems have causes. The good news is that I have been feeling a lot more positive and up-beat lately.


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